Western European Database and Client Configuration
The following procedures describe how to configure Western European language on an Oracle or MSSQL database client:
For PostgreSQL clients and servers, use the PostgreSQL database language setup for clients and servers during installation. For more information, see Control-M Installation.
If the database is not provided by BMC, configure the database to return information messages and error messages in English only.
Configuring an Oracle Database with a Compatible ISO Latin-1 Character Set
This procedure describes how to configure the Oracle database with a character set that is compatible with the ISO Latin-1 character set.
The Oracle DBA is responsible for completing the following task. This can be done on any computer with a database client that connects to the Oracle database server.
Run the following command:
select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
Take action according to the character set in use:
WE8ISO8859P1 or WE8MSWIN1252: The current character set is compatible with the ISO Latin-1 character set. Skip to step 4.
US7ASCII: The current character set is not compatible with the ISO Latin-1 character set, but can be changed. Skip to step 4.
Other: The current character is not compatible.
Run the Oracle Scanner utility csscan.exe in the Oracle binaries directory.
This verifies that the character set conversion is possible without data loss.
This utility simulates the new character sets and generates a report or user objects that would be affected if you changed the character set. If the report indicates no problems, continue with the following steps. If problems are listed in the report, contact BMC Customer Support.
Run the following command:
select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter in ('NLS_COMP','NLS_SORT');
The output must resemble the following sample and indicate the binary sort order:
-------------------------- -----------
NLS_COMP BINARYIf the sort order is not binary, contact BMC Customer Support. Do not continue customizing Western European language support.
If your current character IS NOT compatible with ISO Latin-1 and uses binary sort, complete the following steps:
Shut down all Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server components and applications that might connect to the database server.
Export the data by running the command, as described in Application commands.
Log in to the SQLPLUS application with administrator privileges:
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
Shut down the database as follows:
Configure the database character set as follows:
Shut down and restart the database:
Restart all components that you shut down.
Application Commands
The following table lists the application commands:
Application/component |
Command |
Control-M/EM |
UNIX: emutil -Uuser-Ppassword-export -type all -fileexportFile Microsoft Windows: util -Uuser-Ppassword-export -type all -fileexportFile |
Control-M/Server |
ctm_backup_bcp |
Configuring the Character Set of the MSSQL Database
This procedure describes how to configure the character set of your MSSQL database to be compatible with the ISO Latin-1 character set.
Log in to the MSSQL database using regular user credentials.
Run the following command from the isql session:
declare @X varchar(40)
SELECT 'Database Collation: ' + description FROM ::fn_helpcollations()
WHERE name=@XSELECT 'Database Code Page ' + CAST(COLLATIONPROPERTY(@X, 'CodePage')
Check the command output to determine whether your attribute values match the following values:
Character Set: Latin1-General
Sort Order: binary sort
Database Code Page: 1252
If the values match, skip the remaining steps and go to Configuring the MSSQL Database Client.
Shut down all Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server components and applications that might connect to the database server.
Export the data by running the following command:
util -U user -P password -export -type all -file exportFile
Drop the database as follows:
util -U user -P password -clean_database
Configure the database server for the ISO-1 character set, code page 1252, and the binary sort order:
Find the database name:
select db_name()
Verify that the database is empty:
select count(*) from sysobjects where type='U' and name <>'dtproperties'
If the database is not empty (meaning, the output from the previous query is not equal 0), contact BMC Customer Support.
Verify that no other user is connected to this specific database:
select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where dbid=DB_ID()
If other users or applications are connected to the database (meaning, the output from the previous query is not 1: you), request that all users disconnect, and shut down all connected applications.
Log in as a system administrator and run the following command:
Alter database databaseName Collate Latin1_General_BIN
Rebuild the database:
util -U user -P password -build_schema
Load the data:
util -U user -P password -import -replace -type all -file exportFile
exportFile is the name of the file exported.
Restart all components that you shut down.
Configure the MSSQL clients as described in Configuring the MSSQL database client.
Configuring the MSSQL Database Client
This procedure describes how to configure every computer that has an MSSQL database client, including the Control-M/EM Server and Control-M/Server.
Log in to the MSSQL database client using administrator privileges.
Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager.
In the Tree view, expand SQL Server directory > Security > Logins.
Check the Default Language value, correct if necessary, and exit.
Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Client Network utility.
The SQL Server Client Network Utility window appears.
On the DB-Library Options tab, clear Automatic ANSI to OEM conversion and select Use international settings.
Click OK.
Parameters that Support Western European Special Characters
The following table lists parameters and subparameters that support Western European special characters.
Discrepancies between the language support for a parameter for z/OS and other platforms is noted where relevant.
Parameter |
Subparameter |
Application |
N/A |
Application Type |
N/A |
Calendar Description |
N/A |
Calendar Name |
N/A |
Command |
N/A |
Condition Name |
N/A |
Confcal (not for z/OS) |
N/A |
Lock Resources |
Resource Name |
Control-M |
N/A |
Created By |
N/A |
Days Calendar (Month Days Calendar) |
N/A |
Description |
N/A |
Do Condition Name |
N/A |
Run Job |
Job Name |
Run Job Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
SCD Table |
Do Mail |
Message |
Do Mail Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
Subject |
Do Notify |
Destination |
Do Notify |
handle OUTPUT |
Prm |
handle OUTPUT |
From Class |
Set Variable |
Name or Value |
Doc File (formerly called Doc Mem) Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
N/A |
Doc Path (formerly called Doc Lib) Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
N/A |
File Name |
N/A |
From Class |
N/A |
Group |
N/A |
Wait for Event |
Name |
Job Name |
N/A |
Mem Lib Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
N/A |
Mem Name Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
N/A |
Host Group |
N/A |
Host ID |
N/A |
On Code |
N/A |
On Statement |
On Codes |
Event |
Name |
Override Path Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
N/A |
Password |
N/A |
Path |
N/A |
Periodic Calendar Values Special characters are only supported by z/OS |
N/A |
Resource Pools |
Name |
Run As |
N/A |
Folder Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
Name |
Rule Based Calendar Special characters are not supported in z/OS |
Name |
Shout |
Message |
Shout |
To (Destination) |
Step Range |
Name |
From Class |
Parameter |
Order Method |
N/A |
User Name |
N/A |
Variable (Set Var) |
Name or Value |
Week Days Calendar |
N/A |