VMware Job
The following table describes the VMware job type attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Connection Profile |
Defines the Control-M for VMware Connection Profile. Control-M rule: 1-30 characters (uppercase only) |
Category |
Determines the task type to perform, as follows: |
Power Task Job Attributes
The following table describes the VMware Power Task job attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Task |
Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:
Virtual Machine Name |
Defines the VM where you want to perform the power task. |
Ignore Task if already in desired power state |
Determines whether to ignore the task if already in the required power state. |
Snapshot Task Job Attributes
The following table describes the VMware Snapshot Task job attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Task |
Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:
Virtual Machine Name |
Defines the VM where you want to perform the shapshot task. |
Snapshot Name |
Defines the name of the snapshot that you want to perform a snapshot task. |
Snapshot Description |
Enables you to write a free text description about the snapshot. |
Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory |
Determines whether to take a snapshot of the VM’s memory. |
Quiesce guest file system (Needs VMware tools installed) |
Pause the running processes on the VM so that file system contents are in a known consistent state when the snapshot is taken. This applies only to VMs that are powered on. |
Configuration Task Job Attribute
The following table describes the VMware Configuration Task job attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Task |
Determines the task performed on the VM, as follows:
Virtual Machine Name |
Defines the hostname of the VM where a configuration task is performed. |
New Virtual Machine Name |
Defines the clone hostname of the new VM. |
Template Name |
Defines the name of VM template that is used to create a VM. |
Host |
Defines which host the VM is connected. |
Resource Pool |
Defines which resource pool the VM is connected. |
Data Source |
Defines which data source the VM is connected. |
Customization Specification |
Defines a specific customization that is applied to this VM after it is created. You can use this customization to add a computer name and add it to the network, which enables you to automate the job flow in Control-M. |
Post Action |
Determines to do one of the following after you clone a VM:
Power on this virtual machine after creation |
Determines whether to start up the VM after it is created. |
Edit Device Settings |
Determines configuration settings for the following:
Priority |
Defines the priority level that the VM server applies to the migrate task. |
Power State |
Defines the power state that the VM needs be set at to perform the configuration task. |