
The em_database_menu utility can be invoked interactively to facilitate day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M/EM database running with PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL databases. On Windows, the utility is called em_database_menu.bat.

The Database Utilities Menu is only relevant for PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL database functionality.

To facilitate day-to-day maintenance and diagnostics of Control-M/Server database running with PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL databases, use the dbu_menu utility, as described in dbu_menu.

The Database Utilities menu is described in Accessing the Database Utilities Menu.

The sub-menus and certain options from the em_database_menu utility can be invoked from the command line.

em_database_menu Options

The following table describes the utilities with the related options from the em_database_menu:

Some of the options can be run as interactive utilities by either logging on to a Control-M/EM account for UNIX or opening a command prompt and go to the <Control-M EM home>\Default\bin\DBUtils directory for Windows and type the relevant utility.

For more information about some of the utilities, see Interactive Database Utilities.


em_database_menu Sub-menu or Option

Database Utilities Menu


Database Utilities Menu

Maintenance Menu Options


Update database Statistics


Cold Database Backup


Cold Database Restore


Build Database option in the Database Creation Menu

Report Menu Options


Database Status


Database Parameters


Database Storage Report


Database Version


List All Active Transactions

Accessing the Database Utilities Menu

This procedure describes how to access the Database Utilities menu.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/EM account.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/EM is installed. You do not need to be in the Control-M/EM database directory.

  2. Open a command prompt as an Administrator and type the following command:


    The Database Utilities Menu is displayed:

    Select one of the following options:
    1 - Maintenance
    2 - Report
    q - quit
    Enter option number --->   [q]:

The options available in the Database Utilities Menu enable you to access the following sub-menus:

Maintenance Menu Options

The following table describes the Maintenance Menu options for Control-M/Sever.




Update Database Statistics

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

Activates statistic procedures in the database server.

You can also run this as an interactive utility by typing DBUUpdateStatistics.

Build Database

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

Creates a Control-M/EM schema on the database server.

You can also run this as an interactive utility by typing DBUBuild.

Cold Database Backup

  • PostgreSQL


Exports the Control-M/EM database schema to the specified file.

The following Control-M/EM components must be shut down prior to activating this backup:

  • Gateway

  • GUI server

  • BMC Batch Impact Manager

  • Control-M/Forecast

  • Global Conditions Server

  • Control-M Configuration Management Server

  • Control-M Configuration Agent

Backup File: Full path to the file into which the database should be backed up.

Administrator password: Password of the PostgreSQL database server administrator

To run this utility interactively, see Running the DBUColdBackup Utility

Cold Database Restore

  • PostgreSQL


Imports the Control-M/Server database schema from the file specified in Backup File parameter of the Cold Database Backup option.

This option is not enabled if Control-M database server is running.

Restore File: Value and location specified in the Backup File parameter of the Cold Database Backup option.

Administrator password: Password of the PostgreSQL database server administrator.

To run this utility interactively, see Running the DBUColdRestore Utility.

Extend database

  • Oracle


Extends the database size. Contact your DBA for assistance in performing this action if you are not comfortable performing it yourself.

Report Menu Options

The following table lists the Report Menu options.




Database Status

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

Displays various server and client details.

  • DB Type

  • Is Up

  • Is Remote DB

  • Last Startup Time

  • DB Server OS Version

  • DB Server Host Name

  • DB Server OS Type

  • DB Server Archive Directory

  • DB Server Port

  • DB Client OS Version

  • DB Client Host Name

  • DB Client OS Type

  • DB Server Version

  • DB Client Version

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in DBUStatus.

Database Parameters

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

  • Control-M/EM: Displays the configuration parameters of the server database and the Control-M/EM database client.

  • Control-M/Server: Displays the configuration parameters of the Server database and the Control-M/Server database client.

Configuration parameters are sorted alphabetically.

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in Running the DBUShow Utility.

Database Storage Report

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

  • Control-M/EM: Displays the attributes of the Control-M/EM database in the server database.

  • Control-M/Server: Displays the attributes of the Control-M/Server database in the Server database

    • DB Name

    • Type

    • Size (refers to the operating system disk space)

    • Free

    • Used

    • Used percentage

    • Message (Warns the user when there is diminished disk space capacity within the Control-M/EM database server)

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in DBUStorage

Database Version

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

Displays the general description of the database server, and includes the version number.

You can also run this as an interactive utility, as described in Running the DBUVersion Utility.

List All Active Transactions

  • PostgreSQL


  • Oracle

Lists all active transactions of the Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server database for the database user.

You can also run this as a utility, as described in Running the DBUTransactions Utility

Consistency Check


  • Oracle

Checks tables in the database. Run this option when you suspect that there is database corruption.