
The ctm_diag_comm utility generates a report about the connection details between the specified Control-M/Agent or remote host and Control-M/Server. You can either specify the host name of a computer where Control-M/Agent is installed, or the host name of a computer that you want Control-M/Server to communicate with.

Running the ctm_diag_comm Utility

This procedure describes how to generate a report about the connection details between the specified Control-M/Agent or remote host and Control-M/Server.


  1. Do one of the following:

    • UNIX: Log in to a Control-M/Server account

    • Windows: Open a command prompt window where Control-M/Server is installed.

  2. Type one of the following commands:

    • To run the utility interactively:


      You are prompted for the host name of the Control-M/Agent or remote host.

    • To run the utility as a single command:

      ctm_diag_comm <Agent> | <remoteHost>

ctm_diag_comm Parameters

The following table lists the ctm_diag_comm utility parameters:




Defines the host name of the computer where Control-M/Agent is installed


Defines the name of the specified remote host with which Control-M/Server should attempt to communicate.

ctm_diag_comm Example

The following is an example of ctm_diag_comm report:

Assume that Control-M/Server is installed on the UNIX computer with host name taurus. Control-M/Agent has not yet been defined in the Control-M/Server database, so when ctm_diag_comm is invoked, it will try to generate a report connecting it as an Agent or remote host. The report below is displayed after invoking the following command:

Control-M/Server to Control-M/Agent Communication Diagnostic Report
CTMS User Name                    : ctm900sd
CTMS Directory                    : /home1/ctm900sd/ctm
CTMS Platform Architecture        : Solaris
CTMS Installed Version            : 
CTMS Local IP Host Interface Name : taurus
Server-to-Agent Port Number       : 12666
Agent-to-Server Port Number       : 7420
Server-Agent Comm. Protocol       : TCP
Server-Agent Protocol Version     : 07
Server-Agent Connection mode      : Transient
Agent Platform Name               : mars
Agent Status                      : Unknown
Agent known Type                  : Undefined
UNIX ping to Agent or Remote host : Succeeded
CTMS ping to Agent or Remote host : Succeeded
CTMS Ping mars as Regular Agent
Agent [mars] responded with "Agent not available."
CTMS Ping mars as Remote Host
Remote host [mars] is available through Agent [nova]
Connection protocol : SSH
Port number         : 22
Encryption method   : REMEDY
Compression         : No