SSL Communication Parameters

Thie following describes the SSL-related parameters that determine communication modes for Control-M/Server, Control-M/Agent, and Control-M/EM:


The system parameter CmsCommMode determines if the communication protocol between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server is TCP or SSL. To define Control-M/EM system parameters, see Defining Control-M/EM System Parameters.

The following table describes the possible values:




TCP connections are supported between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server only.


CMS and the Gateways attempt to communicate with Control-M/Server using SSL, and on failure, switch to TCP.


SSL connections are supported between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server only.


The Secure Sockets Layer system parameter determines the communication mode the Server uses to communicate with Agents and Control-M/EM. You can set this parameter to any of the communication modes shown in the following table.

Control-M/Server communication modes




Control-M/Server works in SSL mode. When attempting to connect to an Agent that is in SSL=N mode, the Server tries to switch the Agent to SSL=Y mode.


Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. When attempting to connect to an Agent that is in SSL=Y mode, the Server tries to switch the Agent to SSL=N mode.


Control-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. When attempting to connect to an Agent that is in SSL=Y mode, the Server does not try to switch the Agent to SSL=N mode.

Changing the Server communication mode from ENABLED to DISABLED can cause all agents to become unavailable. In that case, you need to change the Server mode to INACTIVE and wait until all required agents are available again. Then, you can change the Server mode to ENABLED or DISABLED.


For Control-M/Agent, the COMMOPT parameter determines the Agent’s SSL communication mode. Valid values for COMMOPT are SSL=Y (SSL communication is enabled) or SSL=N (SSL communication is disabled).

  • Windows: COMMOPT is under the Control-M/Agent’s CONFIG registry section located at: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BMC Software\Control-M/Agent\CONFIG for the default installation, or under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BMC Software\Control-M/Agent\<instance_name>\CONFIG.

  • UNIX: COMMOPT is in the <Agent Home Directory>/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat file.

  • IBM i (AS/400): COMMOPT is in the <Agent Home Directory>/data/CONFIG file