Big Data Analytics Connection Profiles

The following sections provide information about the parameters of connection profiles for Big Data Analytics platforms and services.

Azure Databricks Connection Profile Parameters

The following table describes Azure Databricks connection profile parameters.



Tenant ID

Defines the Tenant ID in Azure AD.

Application ID

Defines the application (service principal) ID of the registered application.

The service principal must meet the following requirements:

  • The service principal must be an Azure Databricks workspace user and an admin. In the Databricks Admin Console, it must appear under users and also under admins.

  • The service principal must be associated with a Contributor or Owner role.

Client Secret

Defines the secret (password) associated with the Azure user and the application.

Azure Login URL

Defines the URL for login to Azure:

Do not change the default value unless you are required to by your Azure Administrator.

Databricks URL

Defines the URL of your Databricks workspace.

Databricks Resource

Defines the resource parameter for the Azure Databricks login application:


Do not change the default value unless you are required to by your Azure Administrator.

Connection Timeout

Determines the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs after Control-M initiates a connection request to Azure Databricks.

Default: 50 seconds

Azure HDInsight Connection Profile Parameters

The following table describes Azure HDInsight connection profile parameters.



Cluster Name

Defines the name of the HDInsight cluster.

Cluster Username

Defines the name of the Administrator to use to connect to Azure HDInsight.

Cluster Password

Defines the Administrator password, which is configured in Azure HDInsight.

Databricks Connection Profile Parameters

The following table describes the Databricks connection profile parameters.



Databricks Workspace URL Defines the URL of your Databricks workspace.
Databricks Personal Access Token Defines a Databricks token for authentication of connections to the Databricks workspace.
Connection Timeout

A timeout value, in seconds, for the REST calls made to Databricks.

Default: 50 seconds

Snowflake Connection Profile Parameters

The following table describes the Snowflake connection profile parameters.




Defines a free-text description of the connection profile.

Account Identifier

Defines the Snowflake account identifier.

To obtain this string, run the Describe Security Integration command in Snowflake and copy the initial string from one of the authorization properties.

OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT has the following value:

In this value, the account identifier is the following string:


For more information about obtaining values for the parameters required by the connection profile, see Setting Up a Snowflake API Connection.


Defines the Snowflake computing region.


Client ID

Defines the client ID assigned to the account in the Snowflake integration setup.

Client Secret

Defines the client secret assigned to the account in the Snowflake integration setup.

Refresh Token

Defines the value for the refresh token.

Rule: This string must be URL-encoded.

Redirect URI

Defines the redirect URI assigned to the account in the Snowflake integration setup.

Rule: This string must be URL-encoded.